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About Us

The London Trainee Network Executive Committe is formed by a group of trainees representing the various medical specialties in London, who are passionate about improving post-graduate medical education and training for their peers.

We act as representatives for all London trainees at the Confederation of South London Lead Providers Board (COSL) and Confederation of South London Lead Providers Board (CONL), the committees that unite all the Lead Providers and Lead Education Providers in the London Deanery.  As such, we are your voice in communicating any concerns or suggestions you have about your training to those who have the responsibility for delivering high quality training and education in London hospitals.

Since our formation in March 2015 we have:

  • Formed a committee of members from different specialities 

  • Produced a terms of reference document establishing our vision and purpose, to which all trainees can refer to

  • Organised trainee representative engagement events

  • Represented trainees at various meetings relating to training

  • Transitioned from SLTN to LTN

  • Organised free 'Forum' educational events

  • Organised free conferences for all London trainees:

    • "Making the most of your medical career" - May 2016

    • "Inspiring Excellence" - May 2017

    • "Inspiring Excellence" - May 2018

    • "Crafting your Capabilities" - May 2019

    • "Culture, Culture, Culture" - June 2020

    • "Medicine Plus" - July 2022

Get in touch via our email or social media accounts for further information

About Us: About
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